Kenmore village faqs
The Kenmore Hotel, the shop and post office, Taymouth Trading, Brae Cottages, Am Fasgadh &
Gatehouse, Paper Boat, Police House, St. Margaret’s & Willowbank, Nurses Codage, and
Boathouse cottages.
Timelines are contingent on design and planning approvals.
Kenmore Hotel restoration works were started, and it was determined that the mechanical, plumbing,
electrical, and fire safety elements caused for a more extensive redesign than possibly imagined. We are
currently working through the extensive redesign and will be consulting with Perth & Kinross Council,
Kenmore & District Community Council, and other relevant approving authorities. We intend to obtain the
needed planning approvals and reopen for the public in the spring of 2025.
Timelines are contingent on design and planning approvals.
The local shop, which was closed by the previous owner, will reopen as a general store. We intend to
reopen the store as quickly as possible and provide high-quality service and community support for local
residents and visitors to Kenmore. The intended opening date is the beginning of 2024.
Timelines are contingent on design and planning approvals.
Current plans include a public-facing restaurant and pub. It is early in the design stages and concept plans are
underway. Upon completion, we plan to share with the Kenmore community council for community
engagement and comment. The project will require planning approvals and building warrants through PKC
and Historic Scotland. We estimate the process would take approximately 18-24 months. As milestones
are reached, we will keep the community up to date.
Timelines are contingent on design and planning approvals.
To stay updated on the progress of the development, please see our news section for updates.