Deer welfare

Published: 24/07/2023

Ensuring deer welfare on Taymouth Castle Estate

We recently engaged Dr. Peter Green, a respected veterinary surgeon consultant specialising in deer health to investigate the deer population on the Estate. Dr. Green conducted a thorough assessment in June 2023 that included the following observations and recommendations:

Deer presence and activity: While red deer visit the Estate periodically, roe deer are permanently residing within the perimeter fence. The survey revealed a significant roe deer population, estimated at 20-30 individuals, based on indicators such as browsing lines, faecal pellets, couches, and sightings.

Impact of Fencing and Development: Some fence lines showed signs of fence-walking behaviour by the deer. To address this, we are installing purpose-made deer ports at strategic locations along the fence to allow deer to safely pass through.

Long-Term Deer Management: As the development progresses and the deer population increases, a comprehensive plan will be important to ensure a balance between the deer population and the habitat. Dr. Green plans to revisit the Estate to confirm that our efforts continue to exceed industry standards.

Additionally, our team has remained in contact with the SPCA who are supportive of our ongoing approach to protecting wildlife.