Welcome to Taymouth Castle estate

Thank you for visiting our engagement website. This website is intended to provide an online platform to engage with you about the emerging proposals of the Taymouth Castle Estate Back of House development by River Tay Development Ltd.

Completed in 1842, Taymouth Castle is an important historic landmark in the region. Due to changing ownership and high maintenance costs, the Castle has been left empty and in disrepair. In 2022, the Castle began a multi-million-pound renovation to restore and modernise the building to be functional for the future.

Public exhibitionS


Wednesday 17th May, 3pm – 7pm
Wednesday 21st June, 3pm – 7pm

In accordance with the latest Scottish Government guidance regarding pre-application consultation, we are holding two public information exhibitions regarding the proposed Newhall Wood development.

Please look at the information we have provided on this website about the site, surroundings, proposed development, and our proposed next steps. We welcome your comments on our initial proposals and would be grateful if you could provide some comments using the feedback form on this website by Wednesday 05 July 2023.

Alternatively, we are happy for you to email us by Wednesday 05 July 2023 at consultation@scotthobbsplanning.com.

The Applicant Team is currently engaging in wide-ranging pre-application discussions with Perth & Kinross Council, and this current online engagement is part of the ongoing pre-application engagement.

principle of development

The Taymouth Castle Estate is constrained in its ability to accommodate additional development over and above the previously consented plans under the 2005 and 2011 planning permissions, and as updated through the various planning applications and discharge of condition applications being brought forward for the wider estate by the Applicant. The land to the north of the Castle is constrained by its important landscape setting, tree coverage, and flooding potential. Elsewhere within the wider estate, a significant proportion of the land is occupied for golf course purposes and is constrained further as part of the Designed Landscape designation.

The most logical location for the Back of House development is to the east within Newhall Wood, located directly to the east of the Taymouth Castle Estate. The area of the Wood located directly to the east of Taymouth Estate is characterised by heavily wooded landscape. However beyond the wooded landscape, the area changes character, context opening out into agricultural land, sloping from the south towards the River Tay to the north.

Vehicular access to the proposed site would be taken off the A827 via an upgrade to the existing access serving the East Lodge and forestry track. The access road leads onto the extensive internal forest road, which serves the majority of the Wood.

Planning permission was granted in 2013 for a caravan and camping site within the northern part of the Newhall Wood, approximately 150 metres west of a property known as Cromlechs fronting the A827. No tree felling was proposed, and PKC was satisfied that there would be no impact on any protected species (including pine martens). The visual impact was considered to be acceptable, being screened by the stone boundary wall and set within the woodland.


The Back of House location is situated in Newhall Wood, east of the River Tay, and west of A827. This site is well suited for the proposed program, as it has direct access to A827 but is also buffered from the road with trees and shrubs so it is out of view from the main road. The Back of House location will access Taymouth Castle through the old forestry road. It is intended that this site will not add additional traffic to the public road but rather keep traffic on Newhall Wood and the Taymouth Castle Estate

Programme Overview

  • 3.3 hectare site
  • Commissary Building – Staff canteen, lockers, food service
  • Construction Management Office – Offices, meeting room, storage
  • Administration Offices – Offices, meeting rooms, guest waiting rooms, storage, IT
  • Greenhouse
  • Security and Safety Building
  • Workshop & Laundry
  • Biomass Facility & Sawmill
  • Cycle Storage
  • 56 Parking Spaces
Taymouth Castle, Kenmore

Proposed Benefits

  • Reduces traffic on A827
  • Centralises employee parking and transportation
  • Dedicates on-site employee areas
  • Provides maintenance and operational support on-site
  • Allows for successful operation of the Castle
  • Minimal impacts to the designed landscape
  • On a previously disturbed site
  • No impediments to the policy of the Design
  • Support Policy 8 with rural business and diversification

PDF engagement boards can be accessed using the link below, and these contain further details of the proposed development.


This is the second of two public events seeking your feedback on the proposed development. Subject to these events and further discussions with Perth & Kinross Council, River Tay Development proposes to submit an application for detailed planning permission. The applicant and the design team will take account of the comments made as they prepare the planning submission.

We welcome your comments on what you have seen and heard at the 21 June exhibition. We would be grateful if you could provide some feedback using the form found here LINK. Alternatively, we are happy for you to email us using the email subject ‘Taymouth’ at consultation@scotthobbsplanning.com Wednesday 05 July.



We welcome your comments on the 21 June exhibition and would be grateful if you could provide some feedback in the section provided. This engagement is open until 05 July 2023.

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Last Name

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