planning faqs
The restoration of the A Listed Taymouth Castle
The creation of a new North Wing
The building of 167 new residential properties
The restoration and landscaping of park and woodlands
The restoration of the James Braid designed Golf Course
The building of a new golf clubhouse
The creation of a new equestrian centre
The building of a new restaurant
The development of two spas
We have secured Planning and Listed building consent to refurbish Deerpark Bridge (a
listed structure) with a view to bringing it back into full use. This includes the restoration
and repair of the cast iron railings, repairs to stone walls and repointing. We also have
consent to carry out extensive structural repairs as the arch is failing and can only accept
limited vehicle weights.
We have secured Planning and Listed building consent for the refurbishment and
redevelopment of the East Wing. This superseded the previous consents (2011 and
2018). A reduction in the number of units to 13 in lieu of the previously consented 52
Hotel rooms.
We have secured planning consent for a variation to the house designs and locations in
housing Zone 1 to improve the designs, reduce the number of units and move previously
consented to houses out of the flood risk zone.
Planning and listed building consents have been secured for alterations to the rear of the
castle to provide bin stores, plant rooms, IT facilities and landscape features. This ensures
that all of the previously consented sprinkler tanks, boilers, water tanks and the electrical
substation is now contained in a bespoke facility rather than scattered over the gardens
to the north of the castle. All of the debris and rubbish scattered over the ‘D’ to the North
of the castle has been removed and the initial phase of the restoration and enhancement
of the gardens will be carried out in late 2023 / early 2024.
East Gate. We have secured detailed planning and listed building approval for the
refurbishment of the East Gate including all stone cleaning, repointing and replacement
of the historical cast iron gates which were replaced with mild steel of a poor and
unapproved design in the early 80’s. A realignment of the access road into the Estate
from the A824 is also in place to ensure safe vehicular access for all road users. A new
Estate wall to replace the dilapidated, previously removed wall is also consented with a
side gate to permit public access.
A. We have secured planning permission to form a ‘borrow’ pit. This will provide gravel
and sand for the Estate – thus avoiding significant traffic movement along the A824
which would result from the importation of aggregates from outside quarries via the
B. Planning Consent has also been secured for the formation of a tree nursery – this will
provide stock for the extensive replanting over the estate following decades of no
tree management. The trees will enhance the Estate for future generations, provide
habitat for wildlife and replace the trees removed due to their dead, dying or
dangerous condition.
C. Planning Consent is in place for a cycle route / path running parallel to the
Drummond Hill Road. This takes pedestrians and bikes away from this narrow road,
increasing road safety for all road users. It also extends the existing cycle and
pedestrian path from Kenmore. This work was done in cooperation with Perth and
Kinross Countryside Trust (Core Routes Enhancement) at their request and we were
happy to work in cooperation with them to bring this application to a consented
Back of House application in Newhall Woods. We have carried out a sketch design proposal for
back-of-house support buildings for the Estate and this is to be located at Newhall Woods in the
vicinity of East Lodge. A formal Pre-Planning application was issued to Perth and Kinross Council
and feedback has been received. On receipt of the feedback, our designers and other specialist
consultants including ecologists, arborists, acousticians, and lighting designers have developed
the proposals to accord with that feedback. We have held two community engagement events
which are required under Scottish Planning legislation. The first event attracted around 45
members of the public and the second event in excess of 200. Feedback was invited from the
public and this is being actively considered and will form an intrinsic part of a future detailed
planning application. It is likely a planning application will be submitted in the latter part of 2023.
Housing application – we are revisiting the current consents for housing over the Estate. We feel
the number of properties over the Estate needs to be reduced to ensure the homes have an
improved selling. In addition, this ensures there is less tree removal required when compared
with the 2011 consent. In support of these future applications, we have updated the tree,
ecology, roads, infrastructure, and flood risk surveys. Since the original consents were granted
the flood risk has increased significantly due to climate change and new data from SEPA – this has
necessitated the relocation of a number of the consented houses to a safer position. This has
been done with the support and consent of Perth and Kinross Council and Scottish Environmental
Protection Agency (SEPA) in relation to Housing Zone 1.
We have submitted a Planning and Listed Buildings application for the conversion of the Dairy to
become the Golf House. This building is in a parlous state and will be fully refurbished, preserved,
enhanced, and brought back to positive use. It’s one of a number of Heritage Assets over the
To stay updated on the progress of the development, please see our news section for updates.