Kenmore is blossoming

Published: 06/08/2024

 Visitors to Kenmore this summer will notice added bursts of colour, thanks to the help of Bridget and the Estate’s horticultural team.  

In this blog, she explains some of the floral varieties that can be admired. 

Just now the village is adorned with vibrant hanging baskets featuring a variety of petunias, including cascading Surfinia, semi-trailing, and mounding types, all showcasing new hybrid varieties.  

Adding to the charm we have incorporated trailing Nepeta variegata, a lovely cousin of Nepeta catmint, and cheerful window boxes filled with petunias, Calibrachoa (Million Bells), and Verbena.   

Large planters blooming with beautiful flowers can also be spotted near the public toilets, by the newly repaired Reading Room fence, and at Taymouth Trading and the Kenmore Hotel.  

We hope everyone enjoys spotting the floral displays when out and about in the community. 

Check out our gallery of flower displays here: