
To minimise construction traffic in and around Kenmore Village, a temporary secondary access point to the Estate will be in place from 08 January 2024 until the end of March. The access will be approximately 250m up the hill from Kenmore driving east, just before the turn off to Balnaskeag. All work has been approved …

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Fishing season 2024 news


We are pleased to announce that from 15 March 2024, local residents (within 5 miles) can enjoy daily trout fishing permits for just £1. You can cast your lines from the designated fishing area between north bank between Kenmore Bridge and the Chinese Bridge. To help us maintain a thriving fishing community, we politely ask …

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The Living River Tay


The River Tay is an essential part of the landscape, recreation, commerce, and natural beauty of the Perth and Kinross Region.  It is inhabited by brown trout, Atlantic salmon, grayling, Arctic charr and pike. Otters, water voles, roe deer, red squirrels, bats, badgers, foxes, rabbits and other wildlife can be seen in the water or …

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Ongoing Engagement with Community Councils


We were thrilled to have representatives from Aberfeldy, Dull & Weem, Kenmore & District, Mid-Atholl, Strathtay and Grandtully, Glenlyon and Loch Tay, and Killin Community Council join us on 18th October for our quarterly community council forum. During the meeting, the team from Taymouth Castle, including General Manager David O’Donoghue and Community Relations Manager Mairi …

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press release


Investment Group Affiliated with Taymouth Estate Acquires Moness Resort Hotel, restaurant, bar, spa will continue to serve the local community and tourists; under utilised cottages will be used to expand availability of workforce housing. KENMORE – August 15th, 2023.  An investment group affiliated with Taymouth Estate, PLH of the Highlands, has acquired Moness Resort, a …

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Deer welfare


Ensuring deer welfare on Taymouth Castle Estate We recently engaged Dr. Peter Green, a respected veterinary surgeon consultant specialising in deer health to investigate the deer population on the Estate. Dr. Green conducted a thorough assessment in June 2023 that included the following observations and recommendations: Deer presence and activity: While red deer visit the Estate …

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Updated – The fallen tree has now been cleared and the area made safe. The river left channel on the rapid above Chinese pool has a fallen tree blocking safe passage. No attempt should be made to navigate this side of the island. Please use the river right channel for safe passage. We are working …

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Pre-application notice for emerging development in Newhall Wood


As part of our effort to restore and modernise the castle and grounds, we have submitted a Proposal of Application Notice to Perth and Kinross Council regarding the back of house facilities on the Estate.   A summary of the proposal is included in a letter here. As part of the pre-application process, two in-person …

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Fishing permits


Taymouth Castle Club is pleased to issue daily trout fishing permits for the 2023 season for Kenmore residents and visitors.   Fly fishing is permitted from the riverbank between Kenmore Bridge and Chinese Bridge on the north bank only.   All catches should be reported online and include the location, species, length and weight of fish. This …

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Tree conservation and habitat management


Our team has been working with specialists in tree conservation and habitat management on tree maintenance across the Estate. This has resulted in a series of works summarised in this update.  The Monarchs’ Trees In 1842, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert stayed at Taymouth Castle as guests of the 2nd Marquis of Breadalbane. Queen Victoria …

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