Tag: Fishing



To minimise construction traffic in and around Kenmore Village, a temporary secondary access point to the Estate will be in place from 08 January 2024 until the end of March. The access will be approximately 250m up the hill from Kenmore driving east, just before the turn off to Balnaskeag. All work has been approved …

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Fishing season 2024 news


We are pleased to announce that from 15 March 2024, local residents (within 5 miles) can enjoy daily trout fishing permits for just £1. You can cast your lines from the designated fishing area between north bank between Kenmore Bridge and the Chinese Bridge. To help us maintain a thriving fishing community, we politely ask …

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The Living River Tay


The River Tay is an essential part of the landscape, recreation, commerce, and natural beauty of the Perth and Kinross Region.  It is inhabited by brown trout, Atlantic salmon, grayling, Arctic charr and pike. Otters, water voles, roe deer, red squirrels, bats, badgers, foxes, rabbits and other wildlife can be seen in the water or …

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